
Tallinn Summer School of Cyber Diplomacy

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2029
Project manager

The fifth Cyber Diplomacy Summer School takes place November 11-15, 2024

The rapidly evolving digital landscape has further cemented the significance of cyber diplomacy in international relations. Cybersecurity and digitalisation are pivotal in diplomatic discussions, addressing challenges such as state-sponsored cyber operations, cybercrime, and the strategic impacts of emerging technologies like AI. The need for cohesive international collaboration and governance has never been more critical.

Co-organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia (MFA), e-Governance Academy (eGA), and Estonian Centre for International Development (ESTDEV), the fifth edition of The Tallinn Summer School of Cyber Diplomacy will explore these essential themes, providing a platform for diplomats and policymakers to enhance their understanding and skills in navigating the complex cyber domain. Building on the success of previous years, this event continues to foster a secure, resilient, and open cyberspace. Supported and funded by the European Commission, Directorate-General for International Partnerships (INTPA), this five-day event is designed for diplomats and policymakers tackling complex cyber issues.

The aim of the Summer School is to strengthen international commitment to a rights-based, open, free, stable, safe, and secure cyberspace that fully reflects core EU values of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
  • Who is this event for?
    The event is designed for (young) professionals who have taken on challenging tasks ranging from digitalisation to cybersecurity capacity building and cyber resilience, as well as other government officials and policymakers interested in complex cyber issues.
  • Who is eligible to apply?
    The program primarily targets foreign service officials and representatives of other relevant public authorities with decision-making responsibilities in cybersecurity and cyber governance. If additional seats are available, applicants from other national organisations may also be considered.
  • How many participants are accepted?
    The Tallinn Summer School of Cyber Diplomacy will accept up to 60 participants. The selection will prioritise foreign service officials and relevant public authorities, with additional applicants from other national organisations accepted as space allows.
  • What is the deadline for applications?
    The application deadline for this year’s Summerschool was September 15, 2024.


  • What’s in the agenda?
    The agenda will explore critical themes in cyber diplomacy, including cybersecurity as a key enabler of digital society, international cybersecurity frameworks, state responsibility in cyberspace, and the role of cyber diplomacy in enhancing national cyber resilience. Participants will also benefit from field visits to relevant cybersecurity and government entities and a hands-on cybersecurity exercise to develop practical skills.
  • Will the sessions be recorded or available online?
    The sessions will not be recorded, and the program is designed for in-person participation only. However, participants will receive materials and summaries from the sessions.
  • What should I do if I need a visa to attend?
    If you require a visa, the organisers will provide an invitation letter to support your application. Participants are responsible for ensuring they apply for their visas in time for the event.
  • Is there financial support available?
    Yes, participants from countries in the Global South, Eastern Partnership, and Western Balkan regions are eligible to have their travel, accommodation, and visa fees covered by the organisers. Other participants must secure their funding and arrange travel independently.
    The program, including local transportation and meals, is free of charge for all participants. However, daily allowances and other incidental costs are not covered.
  • What is considered Global South?
    According to UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the Global South broadly comprises Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia (excluding Israel, Japan, and South Korea), and Oceania (excluding Australia and New Zealand).
  • What is the language of instruction?
    The entire program will be conducted in English. Therefore, all participants are required to have a good working knowledge of English.
  • Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA), is the European Commission‘s department responsible for formulating the EU’s international partnership and development policy, with the goal to reduce poverty, ensure sustainable development, and promote democracy, human rights, and the rule of law across the world.
  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia’s mission is to make sure that Estonia’s security and well-being is ensured and to protect Estonia´s interests in the world by planning and implementing foreign policy and coordinating foreign relations. In terms of Cyber Capacity building, Estonia has supported the development of cyber security systems in developing and partner countries for over ten years and will continue to do so in the future.
  • e-Governance Academy (eGA), is a centre of excellence for increasing the prosperity and openness of societies through digital transformation. Over the last 20 years, eGA has collaborated with more than 280 organisations and 141 countries on digital innovations and assisted government organisations of Albania, Moldova, Montenegro, Uganda, Turkiye, and Ukraine in improving national cybersecurity and enhancing cyber frameworks and skills. Since 2016, eGA develops and manages the National Cyber Security Index (NCSI), ncsi.ega.ee, – a tool for measuring countries preparedness to mitigate cyber threats and manage cyber incidents and build national cybersecurity capacity.
  • Estonian Centre for International Development (ESTDEV), is a government-founded and funded organisation created to manage and implement Estonia’s development cooperation programs and Estonia’s participation in global development initiatives. Through partnerships and investments, ESTDEV aims to reduce poverty, strengthen democratic governance, build sustainable economies and help people emerge from humanitarian crises and progress beyond assistance. By sharing Estonia’s successful reform experience in digital transformation, ESTDEV promotes safe, transparent and human centric e-services in all areas.