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Riina Kallas

Communication Expert, Knowledge Management​ Lead
+372 504 1552
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Riina works as a Communication Expert and a Knowledge Management​ Lead at the e-Governance Academy. She has extensive working experience in several media houses. Over the past few years, Riina has served as a Communication Expert in state institutions such as the Chancellery of the Riigikogu, the Agriculture and Food Board, and the Estonian Transport Administration.

Among her various activities, she has spearheaded several digital projects aimed at merging and modernising government agency websites. The primary focus of these initiatives has been to ensure that the services provided by government agencies are easily comprehensible and accessible to the public.

Riina holds an educational background equivalent to a master’s degree in journalism from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Tartu. In the summer of 2023, she completed the Software Academy web development course and got also Google Cybersecurity Certificate from Coursera.