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Serhii Isaienko


Since 2022, Serhii Isaienko has been working with the e-Governance Academy as an e-ID expert within the EU4DigitalUA and DT4UA projects.

Serhii supports the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and other interested parties regarding the further development of the digital identification system and electronic trust services. He is responsible for providing appropriate recommendations on electronic trust services with a view to concluding a possible agreement based on an approximation to EU legislation and standards.

Serhii has more than ten years of experience working in the state bodies of Ukraine. He devoted eight years to the improvement of Ukrainian electronic trust services legislation. He participated in the approximation of Ukrainian legislation to EU legislation, in particular the implementation of the provisions of the eIDAS Regulation, in particular in the preparation of the Law of Ukraine On Electronic Trust Services, amendments to it and other legislative acts in the fields of electronic identification and electronic trust services.

Serhii holds a Master’s Degree in Law from the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics.