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Grants Call for Civil Society in Western Balkans

As part of the Cybersecurity Capacity Building in the Western Balkans project, the e-Governance Academy (eGA) has launched a restricted call for KnowCyber Grants targeting civil society organisations (CSO) in the Western Balkans region: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia. The European Commission funds the grants to empower CSOs that play a crucial role in capacity-building efforts related to cybersecurity, cyber hygiene, and online safety.

“We live in a world where everybody needs to have some basic knowhow about digital security regardless of their background.  Independently of our job, age or level of responsibility, we all need some cyber literacy at individual level if we do not want to create risks to others around us by our behavior. Merle Maigre, Head of  Cybersecurity Competence Center at eGA commented on the vision behind the grant. “This is only possible when the civil society plays an active part as they know their communities and the communities trust them.”

The KnowCyber grant provides a unique opportunity for civil society organisations (CSOs) to play a crucial role in capacity-building efforts related to cybersecurity, cyber hygiene, and online safety. The grant is designed to fund activities that can significantly impact the communities, enhancing cyber hygiene and promoting online safety among citizens, civil society organisations, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Eligible activities include, for instance, organising training and workshops, creating training materials, conducting awareness campaigns, and conducting research.

The total indicative amount available under this call for proposals is 180,000 euros.

The call is divided into six lots based on the IPA III beneficiary countries:

LOT 1: Albania
LOT 2: Bosnia and Herzegovina
LOT 3: Montenegro
LOT 4: Kosovo
LOT 5: North Macedonia
LOT 6: Serbia

The minimum amount per grant is 20 000 euros and the maximum 30 000 euros.

The deadline for submitting the concept note is 25 June.

Visit the website for more information