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#egov2024: Unlocking Digital Success

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For more than 20 years eGA team has worked with over 290 organisations in 143 countries.
We have had a fantastic experience during this week in Estonia. We were very impressed that the entire architecture of Estonia's e-governance could be demonstrated at a single point i.e. the e-Governance Academy. The government of Estonia has demonstrated a high-level of commitment to cooperation through the e-Governance Academy by allowing us to learn from the Estonian experience in such transparent and generous way. Our experience shows that international cooperation doesn’t have to be a painful experience.
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We have to keep adding chapters to the success story of Estonia’s e-state, contributing to the understanding of the digitalised society and to analysing the problems and opportunities it presents. Championing this cause is the e-Governance Academy, which as a centre is shaping a new way of thinking in terms of how society as a whole is changing in the digital age. Speaking at the conference marking the 10th anniversary of the e-Governance Academy
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The eGA training course made an invaluable contribution to the development of e-government in the Kyrgyz Republic. Tunduk's team obtained excellent knowledge of building state information systems, state registries, and unified platforms for interactions between state and businesses and citizens. Also, our technical experts got very detailed insights of the X-Road that our Tunduk is based on.
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Wherever I look, I see how technology is transforming our world for the better. Estonia is contributing to this progress by sharing its experience with countries in this region and beyond. Furthermore, UNDP helped fund Estonia’s E-Governance Academy that is working around the globe to promote the advantages of ICTs for governance and citizen engagement. Secretary-General’s Ban Ki-moon public lecture at Tallinn University in 2013.
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Our cooperation with the eGA team within the EMY project was very beneficial, demonstrating a sample of the challenge of engagement of EU mobile youth in the Member States and the rights emanating from EU citizenship and the use of online tools. eGA - through their network - have also significantly contributed to the project outreach a broad engagement of stakeholders. At the final project Conference in January 2021, the Consortium was encouraged to continue to work on the engagement of mobile EU citizens supported by technology in future calls.   Christine Leitner Centre for Economics and Public Administration (CEPA)
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Estonia has realized the possibilities of having a connected and integrated system that is efficient and effective. Being able to collect, analyze and act on real-time data is key for making informed decisions. Estonia’s citizens are some of the best-connected in the world, which gives them access to information that can help improve their lives. During my visit I was most impressed by their public/private partnerships – at UNICEF, we are always exploring new ways of working with the private sector to use data to help children. Read more in Christopher Fabian's blog here.
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The e-Governance Academy has consistently supported open democracy, increased involvement of citizens and judicious governance. Here at Praxis we’re always happy to invite experts from the academy to join us if we’re discussing links between the information society and state governance, which are important issues to us both.
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e-Governance is the future and the future is today!  For the people who are actually involved in the process of e-governance development, it is extremely important to have the ability to share experience and best practices with each other.  In this regard, we are strongly tied with e-Governance Academy of Estonia and we enjoy this practice.  Their comprehensive expertise in e-Governance issues helps us to find new ways to make e-Governance a usual tool for everyday life.
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The Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership appreciated the opportunity to cooperate with the e-Governance Academy in organising the e-Partnership Conference which united priorities important to both of us – the digital field and the Eastern Partnership. The overview, which was compiled as a basis for the inaugural conference, provided an adequate and comprehensive analysis of the cyber security and e-democracy situation in the Eastern Partnership countries. I would especially like to highlight the competencies and methodological approach of e-Governance Academy's experts in creating the situation review which included dozens of interviews with high-level experts and decisionmakers, based on which the data were systemized and analyzed. Moreover, I particularly value the recommendations that were emphasized in the overview and which act as a map to further develop the digital field in the Eastern Partnership countries.
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The critical thing I have learned from Estonia and e-Governance Academy is that the X-Road gives people authority over their own data and this empowers citizens.
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We chose to learn from Estonia because it is very highly regarded for its digital services. Our main take always from our study visit are firstly, that we need to make sure that all citizens are registered and have a digital identity. Currently, we only have 64.1% of births and 41.9 % of deaths on our national register. A new national digital register will help our government to establish the total number of Kenyan citizens which in turn, will enable better planning and provision of public services. We will also be able to link birth registration to death registration so that a citizen’s ID account can be deactivated once she/he dies. As a result, this will help reduce instances of identity theft and fraud after people die. The second take away is that government institutions can and should share data in order to avoid data duplication.
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Estonia is just an amazing place. I think the focus on using modern tools to kind of recreate the public sector and reimagine how government and citizens interact by using technology based on radical transparency. It is just incredibly impressive, I don’t think I have seen that anywhere else in the world. The thing I'm most impressed about is how quickly and efficiently citizens can do different things securely from voting to starting a business. The fact that every citizen can log in with their unique identity and see a record of every time the government has accessed their data and why I think this is a really important piece of accountability for government.
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Our study visit to the e-Governance Academy was a really impressive experience. We learned how Estonia managed to build a citizen-centric government that works for the people and this was an enormous take away for us. In the 21st century, citizens need to be at the center of government planning and they have to come first. So, a national ID database has to be the hub for all of public services. X-Road facilitates the sharing of information between databases. Citizens only have to provide information once and without fear of losing their information ownership rights. Sometimes we tend to overthink before taking action and one of Estonia’s great lessons to us is that they often take action first and then legislation catches up. From a strategic perspective, Estonia did not always pursue a top-down planned strategy. Innovators had enough room to experiment and learn from mistakes. This was instructive for us because we now understand that e-governance is not a straight line, we need to give ourselves room to try, to learn, to make mistakes, to grow and to allow our own strategies to emerge and not just have everything pre-planned.  
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It has been a pleasure working with eGA experts for implementing secure interoperability system Heldin for the Faroe Islands. I hope and believe that this is just the beginning of our digital journey, and fruitful collaboration on digital and e-governance solutions will continue in the future.  
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The role of the e-Governance Academy in the development of Tartu’s inclusive budget has been very important. It’s more than possible that it would never have happened without their involvement – they were the first ‘messenger’ who came to us. Kristina Reinsalu provided a comprehensive overview of the scenarios in use elsewhere in the world, assisted us in finding the right one for us and was of help as well when we came in for criticism following the pilot project. But working together we held our nerve, learned every lesson there was to learn from that first year and pushed ahead.
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The one week I spent on my e-Governance Academy study visit, I witnessed what I thought was impossible. I now know how to offer more comprehensive services to our own citizens back home. My other great appreciation for Estonia is their reasoning for doing things. It is not only about making things easier for the government to access data or to offer services, it's about what's best for people. One of their other significant approaches is empowering citizens to support the process. I have noticed that in Estonia, it is all about participation and bringing citizens on board. This is the Estonian government's way of respecting citizens' thoughts and ideas. It's a powerful thing.
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I am a firm believer that e-government is crucial to us achieving fiscal sustainability and transparency in our region. Already, the government of Estonia and e-Governance Academy are helping the Cayman Islands government and the government of Jamaica to achieve this goal of e-government on e-government platforms.  
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We thank e-Governance Academy for crucial consultation in implementing the X-Road based and full-functioning interoperability solution Nam-Road, and hope that Namibia will be a good example to follow for other African countries.
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The study tour was beyond of my expectations. The study training of eGA was really informative - the content of the programme was well structured, presentations were excellent presenting us the full lifecycle of Estonian experience. Your professionalism, your passion and the programme inspired us and will lead us to make changes in our beloved country Lebanon.
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e-Governance Academy was very flexible and cooperative during the EU Twinning project. EGA mediated experts with up-to-date knowledge, who introduced us European best practices in e-governance development and stakeholder involvement. Furthermore, DEA also received useful consultation to amend Georgia’s e-governance laws according to European Union’s legislation. Twinning proved to be a successful combination of Estonian experts' knowledge with Georgian beneficiary’s readiness to adopt e-government strategic, legal and interoperability frameworks compatible with EU systems.  
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Our trip to Estonia was very productive. The trip gave us an understanding that we are moving in the right direction, as well as an opportunity to study in more detail all the issues that are important to us and identify the key aspects that we need to address further for the development of e-government in Uzbekistan. We really liked the experts-lecturers! They were well trained and technically savvy. We hope to continue our cooperation in the areas of interoperability, artificial intelligence and the development of digital skills of civil servants and the public.
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In our work to connect Brazil and Estonia for partnerships in the public and private spheres, e-Governance Academy (eGA) plays a key role in detailing the entire journey of building a digital nation that serves as a model for the world. Moreover, eGA experts show how it can be replicated by other governments and institutions around the globe. One of the game-changing activities offered by eGA is the e-governance-related workshops. They are instructive, inspiring and engaging. It is a starting point for leaders and teams to be on the same page and build strategic vision and a collaborative spirit for such a challenging endeavour of reinventing how governments interact with citizens and companies in the digital era. For those working in or with the public sector - either on a technical role, policy-making and desiring to support the reduction of bureaucracy and digitisation of their institution or country, we recommend eGA as an "indispensable partner" and a presentation as a pre-req to understand how and why Estonia is considered the world’s most advanced digital society.
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During our study tour in Estonia, we witnessed how technology can enhance good governance, while spearheading economic growth and social development. Technology can help with transparency and contribute to the fight against corruption. We observed this, and how all of it can be achieved, during our visit to Estonia. All the experts were very open, forthcoming and hospitable. Overall, it was brilliant, and we enjoyed our stay.
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I am thoroughly impressed with the e-Governance Academy, their operations and personnel.  I don't believe I have ever worked with more efficient, smooth running, and innovative company such as this one.
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Good examples deserve to be followed. We’ve learnt a lot from the e-Governance Academy about making society and governance more open and more effective.

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The most important thing for us in our e-governance study tour was learning all about the Estonian experience in developing their integrated e-government architecture named X-road and all the related aspects including data collection, data protection, cyber security and the legal framework. Right now, the Indian government is designing its own national interoperability architecture and all the inputs from this study trip have been extremely useful.
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Everybody talks about Estonian digital revolution and we had to come here to see with our own eyes how things are working in the governance world in Estonia to educate ourselves. I'm amazed by the essential use of technology in daily life and in governance. It is like fresh air - available for everybody and everywhere. I also liked that the basic governance systems were really simple. Make things simple and they work - this is the main take away from our study tour.
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The study tour was a very enriching experience. I was really impressed with how all the systems interact with each other in Estonia, not only in healthcare but in all the areas involving citizens. Also, I think it is very positive that the individual citizen can access his/her own government records. We are also looking forward to connect all of Panama’s healthcare systems - both public and private. This will foster communication between different doctors and hospitals and reduce costs for the government and the patient by not duplicating analyses and tests. I will encourage my colleagues to organize our own study tour to e-Governance Academy Estonia as soon as possible. One thing is to hear about the system from a stage or in a meeting, but to see it in person, interact, and to listen and ask questions directly from the experts is something entirely different.
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Throwback movie of the 10th e-Governance Conference 2024
Throwback movie of the 10th e-Governance Conference 2024

Reveal the unforgettable moments of the 10th e-Governance Conference in Tartu, Estonia we had together! Join us again on 27 – 29 May 2025 in Tallinn, Estonia!

Reveal the unforgettable moments of the 10th e-Governance Conference in Tartu, Estonia we had together! Join us again on 27 – 29 May 2025 in Tallinn, Estonia!

Throwback of the e-Governance Conference 2023
Throwback of the e-Governance Conference 2023

#egov2023 focused on drivers for viable social change. From capacity-building, service design and AI, to fostering a culture of cybersecurity.

#egov2023 focused on drivers for viable social change. From capacity-building, service design and AI, to fostering a culture of cybersecurity.

The Vulyk Information System Implementation in Ukraine
The Vulyk Information System Implementation in Ukraine

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Good Cyber Stories: The National Cyber Security Index
Good Cyber Stories: The National Cyber Security Index

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The National Cyber Security Index (NCSI), being listed among the activities of the Good Cyber Stories initiative, is recognised worldwide as a tool to improve national cyber security capacity.

Handbook "e-Governance in Practice"
Handbook "e-Governance in Practice"

e-Estonia: e-Governance in Practice (2017) is the second and updated edition of our bestselling book which was firstly published in 2016. The book provides an overview of Estonian information society, how it is structured and managed.

e-Estonia: e-Governance in Practice (2017) is the second and updated edition of our bestselling book which was firstly published in 2016. The book provides an overview of Estonian information society, how it…

The National Cyber Security Index - the excellent tool for governments
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The National Cyber Security Index (or the NCSI) gives a public and systematic assessment methodology on how national cyber security could be understood. The NCSI includes approximately three-quarters of the countries in the world, making it the most consistent and transparent index in the field. Public sector officers are welcome to contact us to update the data and upgrade the countries’ ranking. The NCSI is developed and managed by e-Governance Academy and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia. Visit NCSI.ega.ee to explore it yourself!

The National Cyber Security Index (or the NCSI) gives a public and systematic assessment methodology on how national cyber security could be understood. The NCSI includes approximately three-quarters of the countries…

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eGA in Georgia
eGA in Georgia

In 2018 e-Governance Academy helped two Georgian cities Kutaisi and Akhaltsikhe implement participatory budgeting. Here’s a short recap of the project.

In 2018 e-Governance Academy helped two Georgian cities Kutaisi and Akhaltsikhe implement participatory budgeting. Here’s a short recap of the project.

Linnar Viik: The beginning of digital transformation in Estonia
Linnar Viik: The beginning of digital transformation in Estonia

eGA Programme Director of Smart Government Linnar Viik talks about the factors that contributed to the rise of the e-state in Estonia more than 20 years ago.

eGA Programme Director of Smart Government Linnar Viik talks about the factors that contributed to the rise of the e-state in Estonia more than 20 years ago.