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Stimulating regional innovation through better public e-services

Duration January 2019 - December 2020

The project stimulated regional innovation chains through developing or improving public e-services provided by local and regional authorities.

The project’s main outputs were focused on new innovative solutions through:

  • New projects to deliver digital services and processes;
  • Improved governance by delivering innovative payment systems, integrating local initiatives with smart regional strategy, evaluating Artificial Intelligence tools.

The project linked e-government with the “innovation chain” to create a win-win initiative. On the one hand, municipalities and regions need to improve public services, while cutting costs: public e-services is one way to do this. On the other hand, adopting e-government solutions could be used in turn to stimulate the local or regional innovation chain: for example the design, supply and maintenance of specialist services such as Artificial Intelligence.

Digital engagement
Project manager
20 040€
Funded by
Interreg Europe