On this website, it is possible to change the contrast of the content to make reading easier.
To enlarge the content, we recommend using the built-in functionality of the web browser: hold down the Ctrl key (Cmd key in OS X) and press the + or – key at the same time.
Another convenient option is to use the mouse: hold down the Ctrl key while moving the mouse scroll wheel. You can return to normal size by pressing the Ctrl and 0 keys at the same time.
All major operating systems include settings to increase the content displayed on the screen.
In Windows 7, you can find a program called Magnifier if you click on the “Start” menu button at the bottom left, type Magnifier (the first few letters are enough) and press Enter. A small window will open in which everything is magnified. By default, the program tracks the position of the mouse cursor. In Windows XP, you can find Magnifier by going to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Accessibility > Magnifier.
On Apple computers, to use zoom, navigate to: Apple menu > System Preferences > Accessibility (or Universal Access) > Zoom.
Riikide küberturvalisuse ülevaade 2018
Trükis annab ülevaate 100 riigi küberturvalisuse võimekusest küberrünnakuid ennetada, näidates ära head praktikad ning juhtides tähelepanu vajakajäämistele.
Andmete aluseks on riikide küberturvalisuse indeksis NCSI avaldatud andmed 2018 aasta mai seisuga. Andmetega saab tutvuda NCSI veebilehel: .
Trükise koostamist ja avaldamist rahastas välisministeerium arengukoostöö raames.
Trükise koostaja: Raul Rikk
Kujundaja: Gerit Tiirik (Sviiter OÜ)
Trükise andmeid kasutades viidake palun allikale.
Tutvu trükisega siin (inglise keeles): National Cyber Security Index 2018