Kateryna Rudenko works at the e-Governance Academy since 2020. As the Head of Administrative Unit, she is responsible for communication with of the EU4DigitalUA project partners, document management, project lifecycle events, monitoring and reporting.
Previously, she has worked as an office and event manager in large German companies in Kyiv, such as REHAU and GIZ. She has versatile experience in organising of conferences, delegation trips and corporate events, written and oral translations, communication and business correspondence with international organisations, embassies and public authorities.
She studied foreign languages, German and English, at the Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University and has been working as a teacher of German language. In 2016, she started to work in the administrative field and completed several courses on administrative skills at the European Business Association in Kyiv.
Kateryna speaks fluently English, German, Ukrainian and Russian.
+380 730 003 202