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Estonian Government Office and ACP Secretariat signed a cooperation agreement

Yesterday, 30 May the H.E Prime Minister of Estonia Mr Jüri Ratas and H.E ACP Secretariat Secretary General Mr Patrick Ignatius Gomes signed the memorandum of understanding between the Secretariat of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States and of the Republic of Estonia at the Tallinn e-Governance Conference gala.

The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (hereafter as “Memorandum”) is to facilitate cooperation between the parties in the field of information and communication technology and electronic governance.

The Parties have identified the following potential areas of common interest for cooperation:

  • development of the national e-government system to enhance service delivery by public administration, businesses and citizens;
  • implementation of data exchange layer, digital identity;
  • conducting trainings in areas of cyber security;
  • conduction e-governance relating studies and creation regional e-Government Academies.
