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First e-service of Trembita system has been launched

The agricultural land lease agreement e-service is the first e-service in Ukraine benefiting from the data exchange system called Trembita. The e-service for the state registration of land lease agreements is available in the online portal “Online Justice House” available.

This e-service, which allows filing applications online, enables an accurate exchange of information and spares a significant amount of time for everyone involved in the process. The registration of land lease agreements takes only a few minutes compared to before the e-service was launched. The accurate data and protected data exchange Trembita also helps to reduce corruption and fraud related to agricultural land.

Every year, more than 10 million applications are registered in the State Register of Real Property Rights for Real Estate. Up to 20% of them are applications for land property registration.

According to Natalia Bernatskaya, First Deputy Minister of Justice, the registration of land lease agreements protects the tenant from the risk of the land being taken away or leased to someone else at the stage of harvesting.

“This e-service makes the interaction of citizens and businessmen with the state transparent and convenient. Applying for the registration of a lease takes just a few minutes by downloading a copy of the agreement of the agricultural land lease agreement and signing it digitally. This is a truly European service quality,” said Natalia Bernatskaya, First Deputy Minister of Justice.

“This electronic service is a valuable part of the fall of reforms in Ukraine thanks to its anti-corruption effect and social orientation,” said Maxim Martynyuk, First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food.

According to Oleksandr Ryzhenko, Head of the State Agency for E-Governance,  about 20 priority state registers will be connected to the Trembita system in the near future, which will allow for over 98% of administrative services and services provided to citizens to be transferred into the electronic format.

The Trembita system is based on the improved Estonian X-Road system — UXP platform, and was developed by the e-Governance Academy, Cybernetica AS and the State Agency for E-Governance in the framework of the U-LEAD support project EGOV4UKRAINE. The e-service was developed by the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, the State Agency for E-Governance and the East Europe Foundation.