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NCSI: The top ten countries best prepared against cyber attacks

According to NCSI Index (as of September 25th 2018) the top ten countries best prepared against cyber attacks are Estonia, France, Germany, Slovakia, Singapore, Finland, Lithuania, Spain, the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic.

NCSI Project Manager Raul Rikk explained that Estonia’s top-place ranking means that cyber security is dealt with in a consistent and systematic manner. “The rise in the ranking is linked to the setting up of the Cyber Command by the Estonian Defence Forces. This improved the country’s cyber security rating, taking Estonia ahead of France and Germany with a 5-point lead.”

According to Raul Rikk, the index is based on transparent methodology. “We have made all underlying data public in order to obtain assurance on the objectivity of the assessment. Favouring one country over others is ruled out,” noted Rikk. Rikk also said that the index data are updated on an ongoing basis as new information becomes available. “If we are presented evidence that holds water, we will verify the evidence and make the corresponding amendments in the index. No country needs to wait long to see its development within the index.”

The index includes cyber security data on 107 countries. The index can be consulted at

The National Cyber Security Index (NCSI), developed by e-Governance Academy, measures countries’ level of cyber security and identifies the main fields of priority that need to be tackled in order to improve status of cyber security. The index also provides an overview of countries’ preparedness to prevent and fight cyber attacks and crimes.  The development of the National Cyber Security Index is financed by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the funds of development cooperation and humanitarian aid.


Further information:

Raul Rikk
Director of the National Cyber Security Programme