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New publication on Eastern Partnership Countries

Comparative Study of Open Governance and Data Security in Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The Eastern Partnership Review No 16, published in December 2013, looks comparatively at the open governance and data security issues in Eastern Partnership Countries.

This report aims to provide a first coherent overview of a multitude of initiatives undertaken by the six Eastern Partenship countries – Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbajian – in modernising their public administrations with the help of new technologies, usually referred to as e-governance.

The report is divided into three main chapters: E-Government; Open Government, e-Participation
and e-Democracy; Cyber Security and Data Protection. They reflect and generalise the results of answers to questionnaires sent to Eastern Partnership Countries during the summer 2013. The report also utilises various Internet resources and benefits from the experience and the first-hand knowledge of the e-Governance Academy experts.
The research activities and publishing of the report were financially supported by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Please find the Study at Publications site.