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Open government workshop at the Estonian municipality days

Our e-democracy experts Liia Hänni and Kristina Reinsalu are hosting an open government workshop today at the Estonian municipality days.

The aim of the workshop is to introduce open government partnership as a method to promote cooperation between the public sector and the community as well as discuss how to use the instrument, what results it has yielded so far in Estonian municipalities and what its future potential is.

According to Kristina Reinsalu, open government partnership helps to better engage the community in the activities of the local municipalities, thereby making government more open and citizen-centric. “So far we have usually talked about open government in the context of central government and the local level has stayed in the background. Actually for the people it is often more important what happens in their immediate surroundings and what the relations between the local government and the local community are,” Reinsalu explained.

At the workshops, heads of Rõuge and Saue local municipality will share their experience and expectations towards open government partnership.

Further good examples of open government partnership will be introduced in autumn 2015 at the open government partnership forum organised for Estonian local governments. There, also open government advocates from other countries, including Norway and Iceland, will present their experience.

Estonian municipality days are an annual seminar for local government officials, held this year for the eleventh time. The gathering is organized by the Association of Municipalities of Estonia, Estonian Union of Cities, Tallinn City Government and Taveco Disain OÜ.


Additional information:

Kristina Reinsalu
Head of e-Democracy domain
+372 528 1392