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Partner of the year 2024 is the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalisation of Moldova

This year, the e-Governance Academy’s award “Partner of the Year 2024” was forwarded to the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalisation of Moldova for the excellent collaboration in enhancing the country’s cyber resilience, focusing on the protection of critical infrastructure, and cyber security skills.

 Hannes Astok, Executive Director of e-Governance Academy, handed the prize to Alexandru Coretchi, Head of Information Technology and Cyber ​​Security Service of Moldova at the e-Governance Conference networking event. “His contribution in turning Moldova more cyber secure is priceless. We look forward to collaborating with you and the National Cybersecurity Agency,” said Astok.

Ingrid Toonekurg, Alexandru Coretchi, Hannes Astok. Photo  by Raigo Pajula


“As cyberattacks have grown more frequent and intense, the Government of Moldova clearly understands that cybersecurity is crucial for a functioning state and public trust. They have taken action to protect the country’s security interests, and fundamental rights of its citizens,” said Hannes Astok.

Together with the e-Governance Academy, experts of this government have organised a broad set of cyber training and exercises for officials and top management with the support of the European Union. Moreover, a solid foundation for a more secure future is built with a cybersecurity law adopted in 2023. A law that led to the establishment of the National Cybersecurity Agency.


Photo by Raigo Pajula


According to Hannes Astok,  these results have been made possible through close collaboration between the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalisation of Moldova, the European Commission and the e-Governance Academy experts Elsa Neeme, Vitalie Varanita, Epp Maaten and the whole Moldova Rapid Assistance project team.


Cyber team of Moldova. Photo by Raigo Pajula

e-Governance Academy’s collaboration with the Government of Moldova started over a decade ago. Altogether, eGA has implemented 15 projects already and the 16th is ongoing. This partnership has significantly contributed to transforming Moldova’s digital governance and cybersecurity landscape.

Since 2015, eGA has awarded the most enthusiastic partners who develop digital governance that helps govern more efficiently, transparently and sustainably. Previous annual awards went to the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine (2023), Government of Benin (2022), Electronic Interoperability Centre of Kyrgyzstan (2019), the State Agency for e-Governance of Ukraine (now the Ministry of Digital Transformation) (2018), the Government Office of the Republic of Namibia (2017), the Government of Faroe Islands and the City Council of Ivano-Frankiivsk (2016), Moldovan e-Government Center, Effecta Solutions, State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, City of Tartu, and EMT (2015).