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Pending cooperation with Afghanistan, Azerbaijan and Djibouti

During Tallinn e-Governance Conference e-Governance Academy represented by Executive Director Mr. Arvo Ott signed three Memorandum of Understandings to further develop the cooperation with following countries/organizations:

1) Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, represented by the Deputy Minister Mr. Mohammad Hadi Hedayati;


2) The “e-Government Development Centre” Public Legal Entity of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, represented by the Director Mr. Fariz Jafarov


3) National Agency of Information Systems of the State of Djibouti, represented by the Director General Mr. Moustapha Mohamed Ismail


“We look forward to start joint activities with all of these three organizations!” said Arvo Ott.

Currently, e-Goverance Academy has established 66 Memoranda of Understandings.