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Carlos Vargas, PhD

+52 1 999 343 7793
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Carlos Ivan Vargas Alvarez del Castillo works as an Expert at e-Governance Academy (eGA). Currently, he is representing eGA in Latin America under the frame of the project “EU-LAC High-Level Policy Dialogue and Digital Policy and Regulation”. His main roles are to analyse and coordinate high-level cooperation with Latin American and Caribbean countries to assist in the digital transformation process of the region.

Carlos has worked in different fields of digital government like interoperability and digital identity, helping governments to face digital challenges. In addition to that, Carlos has also been part of the creation of two govtech labs in Mexico.

In the academic field, he was part in the creation and lecturer of the Digital Government Master of Universidad de Guadalajara. Also, lecturer of Public Innovation Programme at Instituto Nacional de Admnistración Pública.

He holds a BA in Political Science and Public Administration from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, an MA in Political Science from Warsaw University, and a PhD in Politics and Government from Tallinn University. All his academic research has been focused on topics of digital government, govtech, digital identity, and public digital innovation.