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Dmytro Matrosov

+38 (093) 418 88 29
dmytro matrosov

Dmytro Matrosov works as an Expert at the e-Governance Academy. Currently, he is re-engineering and developing e-services for the Diia Portal within the DT4UA project. His primary projects include implementing the e-Apostille Program (e-APP) in Ukraine and digitising the registration process for the separated subdivision of a legal entity established in accordance with the legislation of a foreign state.

Dmytro has over 10 years of experience working in government agencies at both central and local levels. He has worked in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, where he was directly involved with the Electronic Apostille Register and in organising the implementation of e-services in the field of civil status registration. He participated in developing the concept for creating a Digital Office in the field of civil status registration, aimed at processing all requests received by departments from the Diia Portal. He was directly involved in organising the creation of a structural unit within the executive body of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration), responsible for registering major life events such as birth, marriage, and death.

Dmytro holds a Master’s degree in law from the State University of Trade and Economics and continuously enhances his qualifications and knowledge by studying project management in IT, business analysis, testing, and other aspects related to the digitalisation of public services.