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Kyrylo Shypachov

+380 953 995 516

Kyrylo Shypachov works as an Expert at e-Governance Academy since 2019. Currently, he provides assistance on cyber security issues within the EU4DigitalUA project.

Previously, he worked as IT Expert of the data exchange platform Trembita (Trembita System) implementation and was responsible for consulting public administrations and assisting with the introduction and implementation of the Trembita System.

Before joining the e-Governance Academy, he worked the NOC Team Lead at Provectus IT Company and as the Administration Unit Director at CE “Oblast Information and Analytical Centre”.

In 2018, Kyrylo graduated from the O.S. Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications’ Master’s Programme in Cyber Security. Since 2018, he has been studying as a PhD student in Quantum Cryptography.

Kyrylo speaks Russian and English.

+380 953 995 516