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Yuliia Khavikova

Senior Expert
+380 969 414 215
yuliia khavikova

Yuliia Khavikova works as a Senior Expert at the e-Governance Academy since 2020. She is currently working as an e-Services Expert for the EU4DigitalUA project.

She worked as an IT expert for the EGOV4UKRAINE project and participated in the modernisation of the integrated information security system of Vulyk, as well as in business analysis of public services.

Previously, Yuliia was engaged in creation of integrated information security for information systems, organisation of state examinations in the field of technical protection of information, implementation and administration of information systems, as well as writing technical documentation.

Yulia has a Master’s degree in protection of information with limited access from the Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Finance from the Kyiv National Economic University.