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Digital Capability Development Programme for Estonian Public Service

Duration May 2020 - December 2023

Within the project, BCS Koolitus and eGA experts will create and implement a development programme for raising digital competencies of top officials in Estonian public service, in order to lead the development of the Estonian digital society. The development programme will engage 20 top public officials.

The programme will address topics related to digital development by focusing on managerial perspective. The programme will include seminars, a mentor programme and one foreign visit to learn from foreign best practices.

In the project, eGA will conduct three 2-day seminars: two in Estonia and one in the Netherlands, and eGA experts will give lectures and act as mentors for selected public officials.

In cooperation with top managers, BCS Koolitus and eGA will develop recommendations and models of management concepts that top officials can use in practice.

Capacity building Digital skills
Project manager
230 500€
Funded by