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e-Governance Development in Armenia

Duration August 2012 - December 2014

The project “Transactional e-Governance Development in Armenia” (EuropeAid/131-445/L/SER/AM) assisted the government of Armenia in their quest for better e-services for citizens.

The overall objective of the project was to strengthen the public sector reform in Armenia, making government operations more efficient and transparent.

The project strengthened the development of e-governance initiatives through legal framework improvement and deployment of different e-applications in Armenia, which were planned to transform the way in which the government interacts with citizens and businesses, as well as change the way the government agencies interact with each other.

The e-Governance project was aimed at:

  • Improving the efficiency in public sector operations, with lower cost, and greater transparency;
  • Shifting the concept of provision of Government services for citizens and business from simple e-service delivery to interactive and truly transactional e-services where the public services are (almost) totally delivered remotely.

The project had three basic components:

1. transactional e-Governance Support Actions where we review legal framework and e-Governance programme, do a survey of e-readiness and a study tour for officials

2. training and awareness where we set up e-Governance e-Learning resource center and support the e-Services national awareness campaign

3. e-Services Component

The main goal for this project is to introduce transactional e-services for Armenia

  • creating a web-based communication environment for the communications between citizens and the government agencies “mail Armenia”
  • creating a digital Civil Status Registry and digitalize the registry records
  • piloting e-police services
  • providing policy advice for the government on further development of Information Society and e-Government
  • providing e-Gov support for Statistics Office


Analyses Capacity building Digital services Digital skills Legal framework Registers and data quality
Project manager
1 300 000€
Funded by
European Commission