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Knowledge transfer to establish training centre in Mauritius

Duration January 2017 - January 2017

Indian Ocean Commicion and Mauritius have shown deep interest in establishing e-government training centre (regional e-Governance Academy) for better e-governance development in the region. The aim on that advisory project was to improve local knowhow for development of the regional e-Governance competence center for Indian Ocean countries, based in Mauritius.

The following meetings were organized and workshops delivered:

  • Meetings with the key stakeholders (16 January 2017) in order to finalize the national and regional workshop programme.
  • The national workshop (17 January 2017) to discuss with approximately 45 government key stakeholders on organizational model, set-up, core activities of the Regional e-Governance Academy.
  • In the regional workshop (18 -19 January 2017) delegates from the other member countries of the Indian Ocean, like Comoros, Madagascar and Seychelles were participating, to commonly discuss the establishment and framework of the Regional e-Governance Academy.


Comoros Madagascar Mauritius Seychelles
Capacity building Digital skills
Project manager
23 000€
Funded by
Indian Ocean Commission