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Mauritius Digital Transformation Agency consultation

Duration March 2022 - June 2022

Within the project eGA experts provided the Mauritius Ministry of Information Technology, Communication and Innovation (MITCI) with advice and expertise with advice and expertise on creation of a Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) as a strong institutional champion to speed up digital transformation of the public service and the whole economy.

The expectation is that the Agency will become a competence and collaboration centre for the implementation of the cutting-edge of technology, and high-quality IT solutions for the public sector, benchmarked with successful models. By using the possibilities for cooperation, exchange, and sharing/reusing information, it will be possible to achieve a service-centred public service, to reduce costs, and increase efficiency. Given the importance of cybersecurity for the modern society, a better coordinated approach can also support a more secure digital environment.

Within the project eGA experts analysed and assessed the existing organisational setup in Mauritius with the aim to enlarge the field of responsibilities to plan and implement digital transformation processes in Mauritius. The activity resulted with recommentations to combine the necessary competences available in existing organisations. Moreover, in the recommentations were described additional needs regarding personnel, capacity building, project planning and implementation processes, and regulations enabling coordination and implementation of digital transformation plans.


Change management Coordination Legal framework
Project manager
116 210€
Funded by
Government of Mauritius