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National Cybersecurity Strategy for Uganda

National Cybersecurity Strategy for Uganda

Duration February 2021 - August 2021

Within the project,  eGA experts advised the Uganda National Information Technology Agency (NITA-U) on updating the country’s cybersecurity strategy. An updated National Cybersecurity Strategy provides the overall cybersecurity direction for the government of Uganda aligned to the cyber laws and regulations as well as enables efficient management of cybersecurity risks and helps to build a digital environment that citizens and businesses can trust.

To renew the strategy eGA experts reviewed existing cybersecurity interventions, previous strategies, related standards, policies and frameworks, current practices. Based on them eGA experts recommended improvements to the strategy. Also, the experts analysed international best practices from 10 countries that are at a mature level in national cybersecurity capability and identified the elements for adaptation to Uganda’s strategy.

Finally, eGA experts carried out stakeholder consultations on the draft cybersecurity strategy aimed at raising awareness on cybersecurity management and their role in the implementation of the strategy.


Project manager
115 479€
Funded by
The World Bank