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Zhytomyr in Ukraine

Increasing Digital Capacity of Zhytomyr Administrative Service Centres in Public Services Delivery

Duration May 2024 - December 2024

The project created conditions for enhancing the availability and quality of Ukrainian municipal services offered to the residents of the residents of Zhytomyr oblast, Ukraine.

The project provided capacity-building support for ASCs on digital public services provision. The activities included digital skills training, procurement of video consultation equipment, and piloting a video consultation service. The activities focused on selected Zhytomyr oblast’s hromadas/cities. However, the project results are scalable to support other Ukrainian oblasts in increasing their capacity to offer digital public services.

The project consisted of four phases:

1. Assessment of digital maturity and development of recommendations to provide digital public services, incl. analysis of the situation and mapping of needs and development of a digital strategy plan.

2. Conducting digital skills training for selected 5-10 ASCs, whose representatives will be trained in Ukraine and during a study visit to Estonia.

3. Conducting video consultation service pilot for selected 2-3 ASCs, to offer Ukrainian citizens both in and outside Ukraine an additional opportunity to obtain information about the public services offered by ASCs.

4. Sharing the lessons learned and best practices with other ASCs in Ukraine.

Analyses Capacity building Digital services Digital skills Public service framework
Project manager
150 000€
Funded by
Estonian Development Cooperation
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