
Comparative Study of Open Governance and Data Security

Armenia | Azerbaijan | Belarus | Georgia | Moldova | Ukraine
Governance and Engagement
Armenia | Azerbaijan | Belarus | Georgia | Moldova | Ukraine
Governance and Engagement
Project manager
Arvo Ott, PhD
Funded by
Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership
Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership

Comparative Study of Open Governance and Data Security in Eastern Partnership CountriesThe present report aims to provide a first coherent overview of a multitude of initiatives undertaken by the 6 Eastern Partenship countries – Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbajian – in modernisation of their public administrations with the help of new technologies, usually referred to as e-governance. The report is divided into three main chapters: E-Government; Open Government, e-Participation and e-Democracy; Cyber Security and Data Protection. They reflect and generalize the results of answers to the Questionnaires sent to Eastern Partnership countries during the summer 2013. The report also utilized various information resources from Internet and benefited from the experience and a first-hand knowledge of the experts from e-Governance Academy. The main outcome of the work is clear understanding that all countries pay considerable attention to developing e-society and e-services. The survey was designed and the text written as a collective exercise by the experts from the e-Governance Academy: Arvo Ott, Ivar Tallo, Liia Hänni, Raul Rikk and Mari Pedak.