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Digital Maturity Assessment Report of Administrative Service Centres of Zhytomyr Oblast Territorial Communities

Zhytomyr report on digital maturity

The report “Digital Maturity Assessment Report of Administrative Service Centres of Zhytomyr Oblast Territorial Communities” assesses the status of local public service provision and provides recommendations on improvement,

Local public services play a crucial role in the interaction between citizens and local self-governance bodies. As Ukraine moves forward with its European integration aspirations, aligning its public service provision system with EU principles and standards is essential.

This research assesses the current state and practices of public service delivery in Zhytomyr Oblast and explores how Ukrainian practices can be brought in line with European norms. The recommendations are based on successful EU digitalisation models, including Estonia’s e-Estonia system and Denmark’s NemID.

The findings and recommendations provide a foundation for further harmonisation of Ukraine’s public service delivery with EU standards. They can serve as a roadmap for integrating European principles into local public services across the country.

Report Structure:

  • Status of Local Public Service Provision and Analysis of Digitalisation Needs
  • Conclusions Regarding Self-Governance Bodies or Communities Readiness to Provide Electronic Services and Definition of Digitalisation
  • Perspectives for Mass Public Services at the Local Level
  • Recommendations for Further Development of Mass Public Electronic Services on the Local Level

This research was conducted by the Centre for Innovations Development as part of the ESTDEV-supported project, Increasing Digital Capacity of Zhytomyr Administrative Service Centres in Public Services Delivery, led by the e-Governance Academy.

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