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Guidelines and Roadmap for Full Deployment of E-governance in Africa

The report, publiched in January 2019 provides an analysis of the potential for e-governance in Africa and to suggests the next steps to move forward towards increased e-governance. Moreover, the report presents an evaluation and a ranking of countries based on the most recent data about the present level of the e-governance critical components.

Data gathering, mapping and inventory of existing approaches and activities has been performed, based on publicly available data from international organisations – including rankings performed by international organisations – as well as independent data gathering and expert analysis by eGA experts.

The situation assessment in African countries was done on key elements of e-governance that were divided into two complementary sections: digital elements directly connected to technology and analogue elements, supporting technology. The report also proposes a matrix as a tool for indicating the level of e-government and determining the key elements that should be addressed, with work on different issues proceeding in parallel.

In addition, specific activities are suggested per group of countries, to support national capacity building and the creation of clear organisational structures and to support regional cooperation both outside and within existing regional and sub-regional organisations to achieve mutual support and synergies between countries at different levels and in different situations.

This report would facilitate the preliminary work within Commission Services and discussions with African countries to determine possible pilot projects in line with the Staff Working Document “Digital4Development: mainstreaming digital technologies and services into EU Development Policy”. Also it can serve as a guidance for national responsible persons.

The report was commissioned by unit C5 (Cities, Local Authorities, Digitalisation, Infrastructures) of the Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development of European Commission.

Read the report here: Guidelines and roadmap for full deployment of e-governance systems in Africa