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SCOOP4C workshop examines good practices of once-only principles

Our experts Kristina Reinsalu, Katrin Nyman-Metcalf and Uuno Vallner participated on March 14 at Stakeholder Workshop on Good Practice Cases of SCOOP4C project in Brussels.

The main goal of the workshop is to introduce the once-only principle initiatives of European Commission; to present good practices of OOP to become cases of the SCOOP4C knowledge base and to identify and discuss OOP cases to ensure wide coverage and comprehensiveness in the collection of cases.  eGA´s task and responsibility in the project is to identify and analyse the best OOP practice cases and already more than 29 cases have been identified. At todays’ seminar, eGA’s experts presented the first findings of case analysis and discussed with project partners and stakeholders the main barriers which might hinder the successful implementation of OOP in member states.

The main goal of the project Stakeholder community for once-only principle (SCOOP4C) is to investigate, discuss and disseminate how the “Once-Only-Principle” can be implemented in public service provisioning in order to significantly reduce administrative burden and simplify administrative procedures for citizens while reusing data among public administration with the control and consent of citizens.

More about the project