Study visit of local governments of Ukraine
This week e-Governance Academy hosted a group of officials from local and regional governments of Ukraine. The delegation of 15 officials from Odesa, Dnipropetrovsk, Ivano-Frankivsk, Cherkasy and Ternopil visited Tartu and Tallinn City Offices and to get an overview of e-services used by local governments in Estonia for serving and engaging citizens.
The structure and the challenges of administrative-territorial division in Estonia, electronic document management system of local governments, participatory budgeting at the local level, Information System for City Councils (VOLIS) and many other topics were under discussion. Moreover, we shared our national level best practice of e-democracy, e-voting and e-solutions that support decision-making processes (e-Cabinet).
We hope that Estonian best practice will encourage Ukrainian officials to use even more e-services in local government everyday work!
The visit was funded by International Republican Institute (IRI) and National Endowment Democracy (NED).