In Ukraine, e-governance and democracy are two sides of the same coin
| The project is responsive to the following SDGs of the United Nations:
5 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11 – 16 – 17 |
There seems to be shared consensus over the necessity for governments to keep up the pace with digital transformation. It is one of the positive, external pressures triggered by living in the age of the information society. Citizens’ expectations for efficient service delivery increase, and public authorities must answer the call.
Right at the European Union’s doorstep, for some years already, Ukraine has made e-governance and democracy two indivisible synonyms. With the help of Estonia, represented by e-Governance Academy (eGA) and other EU Member States, the country’s administrative structure is now blooming into pilot projects, reorganizations, and promising levels of digital maturity.
Mari Pedak, Team Leader of the U-LEAD with Europe support project EGOV4UKRAINE guides us through what has been done so far, and the advantages that such effort is set to bring to Ukrainian public agencies and citizens.