
EU-LAC High-level Policy Dialogue on digital policy and regulations

Multiple countries
Governance and Engagement
Multiple countries
Governance and Engagement
€5,4 mln
Project manager
Funded by
European Commission

The current action aims to improve and harmonise digital policy and regulatory frameworks through an EU-LAC (Latin America & Caribbean) policy dialogue on issues of common interest (e.g. on data protection and data sharing, cybersecurity, e-governance, connectivity, interoperability, AI, satellite data and signals, etc.). The overall objective of the action is to accelerate the digital transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean by building a strong, comprehensive and mutually beneficial engagement on digital issues between the EU and LAC, and strengthening the EU’s role as a key partner and player in the digital area. The specific objective of the action is improved regulatory harmonisation of inclusive and sustainable digital policies and governance mechanisms for digitalisation, along common values and interest for the LAC and EU regions. The thematic priority areas of the action include data governance (led by FIIAPP), e-governance (led by eGA), cybersecurity (led by Expertise France), connectivity (led by GIZ), and regulatory governance (horizontal topic). The project is a Multi-Partner Contribution Agreement between GIZ, Expertise France, FIIAPP and eGA, cofinanced by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It contributes to the EU-LAC Digital Alliance Regional Team Europe Initiative.