Anticorruption Platform for Moldova is launced
After many months of intensive work, our e-democracy team together with local partner Center of Policy Reforms Moldova (CPR) launched the new crowd-sourcing platform to fight against corruption. Please have a look at this on the web-page Community Tool Against Corruption.

The platform enables the user to test their perception of corruption and recognise corruption-prone situations, to learn more about most common types of corruption; and to report on concrete corruption cases they are aware of or have experienced. The crowdsourced input will be used by civil society organisations of Moldova for their further anti-corruption advocacy activities.
“Corruption is one of the top three problems of the Moldovan society. It leads to a damaged functioning of the state and the rule of law and affects citizens’ welfare and daily life. Through this project, we identify specific corrupt institutions and practices, put them on the public discussions, and put pressure on authorities to change the situation,” said Vlada Ciobanu, the Spokesperson of the Center of Policy Reforms Moldova.
The anticorruption platform aims to target many different audiences :
1) communities and groups of activists who will confront the authorities;
2) businesses who aim to prevent corruption and bureaucracy; and
3) wider public, individuals who are not aware of different types of corruption and how to fight it.
Many people have already contributed to the anti-corruption activities as the pilot version of the platform was already available since autumn 2018 (in Romanian).
The Platform is developed as the main outcome of the project „Educate. Engage. Empower. Community Tools against Corruption“.
The project is financed by Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the funds of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and Open Society Institute.