
Author: Anu Vahtra-Hellat

Albania (1)
Anticorruption (1)
Armenia (1)
Artificial Intelligence (8)
Avatud valitsemine/open governance (14)
Benin (2)
Biometricy (1)
Civil society organisation (3)
Corruption (1)
Cyber law (1)
Cyber resilience (12)
Cybersecurity (6)
Data exchange (15)
Data quality (2)
DESI (2)
Design (4)
Digital government roadmaps (3)
Digital healthcare (6)
Digital leadership (2)
Digital maturity assessment (2)
Digital responsibility (13)
Digital rights (4)
Digital signature (2)
Digital skills (16)
Digital technology (29)
Digital transformation (69)
Digital vaccine certificate (1)
Digital vulnerability (5)
Djibouti (1)
E-census (1)
E-courses (2)
e-Governance (43)
e-Governance Conference (24)
e-government (29)
e-hääletus (5)
e-riik (10)
e-Services (39)
eIDAS (2)
Elections (8)
Electronic ID (7)
Engagement (1)
Estonia (29)
Estonia/Eesti (21)
Finland (1)
Green transition (1)
I-voting (9)
ICT in Education/e-kool (6)
ICT infrastructure (2)
ID-kaart (1)
Infoühiskond/ Information society (5)
Innovation (10)
Internet freedom (2)
Interoperability (13)
Ireland (1)
Küberturvalisus/Cybersecurity (30)
Kyrgyzstan (2)
Latin America (1)
Moldova (3)
Mongolia (1)
Montenegro (1)
NCSI (2)
NIS Directive (1)
North Macedonia (1)
Online participation (6)
Participation (7)
Participatory budgeting/Kaasav eelarve (5)
Podcast (128)
Privacy (5)
Public-private-partnership (1)
Sweden (1)
Tech buzzwords (1)
The Gambia (1)
The United States of America (2)
Tonga (1)
Transparency International (1)
Tunduk (1)
Ukraine (14)
Voting (8)
Western Balkan (6)
  Tänavu 17.oktoobril toimuvad kohalikud valimised, mille eel on kõigil soovijatel juba 12. korda võimalus e-hääletada. Pühendame oma saate e-hääletamisele ning e-riigi akadeemia eestvõttel loodud e-hääletamise heale tavale. Saates räägivad e-hääletuse hea tava üks väljatöötajatest Liia Hänni ja kauaaegne valimisteenistuse juht, pregune E-riigi Akadeemia vanemekspert Priit Vinkel e-hääletamise protsessist ja tehtud uuendustest, valija- ja erakondade käitumisest, kordavad üle e-hääletamise […] Read more
Published by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
  Estonia is preparing for its first e-census or register-based census, where all Population and Housing Census data will be compiled from the data of the national registers. About 24 national registers will be included, and they involve data on many fields of life. Only the information that is not available in registers will be […] Read more
Published by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
  While we approach the international identity day on September 16, we are addressing the topic that concerns our identity and its use, online or offline. In today’s episode of Digital Government Podcast, we explore with Kaija Kirch, Head of Digital Identity Technologies at Cybernetica AS, the pros and cons of using biometric data in identification and providing access […] Read more
Published by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
The globalisation of economies, technologies and communication has challenged country sovereignty relative to actions and protection. In the global scene, we can witness every day how fake news attack democracy, and how hackers do the same to supply chains, electricity networks or hospitals. The problem of one country concerns simultaneously other countries too, as we […] Read more
Published by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
At the beginning of the school year, it is timely to talk about digital skills development since digital skills are one of the most critical enablers of digital transformation. In today’s episode, Kristo Vaher from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication of Estonia and Cigdem Ertem (INTEL) shed light on what kind of digital skills governments need to […] Read more
Published by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
  Cyber attacks are becoming a natural part of our digital life. Hence it is wise to know how to defend your data and infrastructure to avoid losses. In today’s episode of the Digital Government Podcast, we invite you to explore how governments and organisations can be better prepared for cyber attacks. Two distinguished cyber […] Read more
Published by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
In today’s episode Ville Sirviö, the CEO of the Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions (NIIS), casts light on how to get digital data securely running between two countries, based on the X-road trust federation, and how citizens of Finland and Estonia have benefited from it. As we know, Finland and Estonia are exchanging data of […] Read more
Published by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
  In this episode of Digital Government Podcast, Urmo Kübar, the former advisor to the Estonian President and the Executive Director of Praxis, talks about the role of civil society organizations in a digital society and explains how can they benefit from digital tools for building a more seamless society.  Being involved in the Estonian […] Read more
Published by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
  For more than four years, the e-Governance Academy’s team has assisted digital transformation in Ukraine by creating the conditions for digital services’ provision. In this episode, our Ukrainian Team Leader, Mari Pedak and Executive Director Hannes Astok cast light on the technical developments within the EGOV4Ukraine project, the organisational developments in the Ukrainian government, and […] Read more
Published by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Cyber threats and attacks are the part of the daily management of IT systems and e-services. Usually, we, as regular users of e-services, do not know about attacks as long as the e-service is available and working. In this episode Epp Maaten, Programme Director of Cyber Security, talks about how to secure e-services, IT systems […] Read more
Published by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
  The COVID19 pandemic has created a new reality for the healthcare sector, globally testing its limits. The European Commission, along with the World Health Organisation, is looking for a scalable digital infrastructure for secure vaccination certification to help governments to reopen societies and economies. In this episode, Merle Maigre, the organizer of the Digital […] Read more
Published by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
In this episode of the Digital Government Podcast, our guest Marten Kaevats, the National Digital Advisor of the Estonian Government, will shed light on why and how to deploy artificial intelligence (AI) for public service provision. Is AI a viral buzzword or a beneficial tool to make public service provision smarter and more efficient? He […] Read more
Published by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
What comes in your mind when you hear someone mentioning the Pacific Islands? Probably sandy beaches, palm trees and sunshine. In this episode of the Digital Government Podcast, we go beyond the tourist attractions and take a look at the digital side of these countries. Today’s guest,  Hannes Astok, sheds light on how the governments […] Read more
Published by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Do you know how old is the concept of online voting? It comes back to the 19th century when Thomas Alva Edison introduced it to the US congress. Why then, even two centuries later, are there so few countries that use online voting to ensure equal access for their citizens to express their democratic rights? […] Read more
Published by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
At the beginning of the year, we summed up our lessons learnt from the digital transformation journeys of various countries. Our team has been on these journeys for the past 18 years and obtained useful lessons that could benefit every country that starts or continues its digital transformation. In this episode, Federico Plantera and Hannes […] Read more
Published by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
In the light of the ongoing COVID19 pandemic, today’s Digital Government podcast addresses one of the most sensitive topics – privacy and human rights while governments are combating COVID19 and developing tracking apps. Are our rights and privacy in danger? How can governments address these concerns and what should be a good practice? Listen to […] Read more
Published by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Recent elections in the US and in other countries raised a lot of claims that election results might be manipulated. Our CyberConf2020, to be held online on 24 November, dives deep into the topic of how to secure elections in the digital era. In this episode of Digital Government Podcast, Mr Toomas Hendrik Ilves, former […] Read more
Published by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Digital transformation experts of the Estonian-based consultancy organisation e-Governance Academy have encouraged countries to facilitate e-governance and public e-services for more than 17 years. To date, the main arguments to develop public e-services were the hassle-free, transparent and more efficient governance to save time and money. The current Corona pandemic added one more argument: e-governance […] Read more
Published by Anu Vahtra-Hellat