Hannes Astok to consult the digital strategy of Dominica
In June, Hannes Astok took part in the Digital Strategy Stakeholders Workshop of Dominica to consult the stakeholders on a national digital transformation strategy development.

Hannes Astok. Photo by UNDP Barbados
The Digital Strategy Stakeholders Workshop brought together a wide cross-section of key stakeholders to review progress and seek feedback on the planned transformation. The strategy will be key enabler that builds resilience in the economy and creates jobs, supports the innovation ecosystem, and deliveres better public services in Dominica.
Hannes Astok, Executive Director of the e-Governance Academy noted, “Dominica is making great progress to advance the digital transformation of the country, by securing investment in key priority areas and by building an inclusive digital transformation strategy that takes a whole-of-society approach to ensure all ministries, all sectors and all people in Dominica can reap the benefits of digital technology”.
According to Hannes Astok this initiative is a necessary step towards building a more resilient, responsive, and adaptive Dominica.

Hannes Astok. Photo by UNDP Barbados
Robert Tonge, Dominica’s national Coordinator for Digital Economy stated, “Public ownership of the new strategy is essential, and the process is taking a series of steps to ensure all Dominicans are involved. Through the UNDP Digital Readiness Assessment, stakeholder interviews, a public roadshow, a public engagement survey with nearly 500 responses and now this workshop, the government is reaching out to stakeholders and the public to ensure their priorities and concerns are reflected in this vison for the digital future of Dominica.”

Hannes Astok. Photo by UNDP Barbados
The creation of the Digital Strategy is part of the work of UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean in its commitment to promoting economic diversification, job creation and resilience with the “Blue Economy for Green Islands” vision.