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e-Governance Academy joined the Estonian Diversity Charter

The e-Governance Academy joined the Estonian Diversity Charter today, on 10 June 2020. By signing the Diversity Charter, the e-Governance Academy confirms that it respects human diversity and values ​​the principle of equal treatment among its employees, partners as well as clients.

Photo: (from left) Arvo Ott and Egert Rünne, the Director of the Estonian Center for Human Rights.


According to Arvo Ott, Chairman of the Management Board of the e-Governance Academy, signing the Diversity Charter is a natural step for the e-Governance Academy and reflects the organisation’s values and operating principles.

“The daily work of the e-Governance Academy is to advise the governments and organisations around the world on digital transformation. Our team is extremely diverse, bringing together different ages, nationalities and languages. In our work over the last 18 years, we have experienced that effective cooperation is based on valuing partners and co-workers and treating them equally. We are convinced that a good and fair attitude towards people contributes significantly to achieving our goals,” said Arvo Ott.

Photo: Arvo Ott signing the Estonian Diversity Charter


The Diversity Charter was initiated in Estonia in 2012 within the project “Diversity Enriches” of the Institute of Law of  Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), which was co-financed by the European Commission, the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Institute of Law of TalTech. At present, the activities of the Diversity Charter network are coordinated by the Estonian Center for Human Rights. To date, more than 120 companies, public sector organisations and NGOs have joined the Estonian Diversity Charter.

The agreement is available here.