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e-Governance Academy has joined the Secure Identity Alliance

e-Governance Academy (eGA) has joined the Secure Identity Alliance (SIA), the global identity and secure e-Services advisory body as an Advisory Observer.

As an Advisory Observer of the SIA, eGA will play together with the SIA’s growing number of government and non-government partners a key role in driving policy to develop frameworks and guidance to support the successful delivery of eService strategies around the world.

Commenting on the news, Frédéric Trojani, President of the Secure Identity Alliance said: “Only by promoting consistency and best practice can we support the e-Service needs of governments across the world. We must learn from one another, and develop structures and frameworks that address the inherently complex financial, social, political and technical issues of eService provision. Ms Pedak’s contribution, and the eGA’s experience of working with some 50 countries, will be invaluable to this process. We look forward to a very successful working relationship.”

According to Mari Pedak, Digital Identity Expert of eGA and the representative at the Alliance the secure digital identity is the one information society is based and a key to public e-Services. “In our everyday practice we see that all governments in the world are looking for the best practice. The need to share experiences and best practice is crucial to truly successful national outcomes. We are glad to join Secure Identity Alliance to share Estonian expertise of digital identity development and provision of secure e-Services for the citizens and e-residents.”

As an Advisory Observer of the SIA, the eGA will provide invaluable input into the SIA’s workgroups and publications.


About the Secure Identity Alliance 

The Secure Identity Alliance is dedicated to supporting sustainable worldwide economic growth and prosperity through the development of trusted digital identities and the widespread adoption of secure eServices.

The Alliance offers support and expertise to governments and other public bodies; supporting the implementation of digital ID projects to accelerate the wide range of economic, public health, electoral and sustainability opportunities offered by the shift to digital service provision.

The Alliance brings together public, private and non-government organizations to foster international collaboration on Digital ID challenges and the issues of data security, citizen privacy, identity, authentication and more. The Alliance plays a key role in sharing best practice and uncovering the new generation of eIdentity and eDocument technologies crucial to building the trusted framework on which to drive eGovernment, and global economic growth, forward. 

Its Board Members are Gemalto, Imprimerie Nationale, Safran Identity and Security, Oberthur Technologies and Veridos.

For more information on the Secure Identity Alliance, visit:

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