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e-Governance Academy organises three discussions at Festival of Opinion Culture

The e-Governance Academy invites everyone to the ‘Riigi potentsiaali ala/ Potential of the Estonia’ discussion area of the popular Estonian Festival of Opinion Culture on 13 August 2016 to think about and have their say on what would be local government 2.0 like, how would we like to communicate with the government in the future and how will ICT change our everyday’s life in the future.

Discussion ‘What would be local government 2.0 like?’  13.08 @ 13:00-14:30 in the ‘Riigi potentsiaal’ discussion area

We invite you all to think about what would be the government 2.0 like? Administrative reforms that are currently taking place in Estonia are looming fears that local governments are distancing themselves from the people. Instead, clever use of technology could potentially take the communication between communities and local authorities to a whole new level. Come along to discuss how e-solutions can help to reconcile people and government; how well are local authorities prepared to communicate via e-channels and what would we like to be able to discuss in an online world. The conversation will be started by Hannes Astok and a world café-style discussion will be led by Lauri Läänemets (Väätsa County), Liia Hänni (eGA) and Madis Kallas (City of Kuressaare). Their ideas will be commented by Väino Tõemets and Kurmet Müürsepp. Share your thoughts by using #eOmavalitsus

Discussion ‘How government and start-ups can develop public e-services in collaboration?’ – 13.08 @ 15:00-16:30 in the ‘Riigi potentsiaal’ discussion area.

At 15:00 we will focus on the development of e-services. How would we like to interact with the country in five years’ time? Where and how should we develop our e-governance and e-services? Whether and to what extent do citizens and entrepreneurs have a say in development processes? How to boost joint creation of new e-services? All those questions will be examined together with representatives of different parties. The discussion will be started by Margus Simson (Ziraff), Janek Rozov (MKM), Tiit Hallas (SMIT), Aare Lapõnin (IT expert) and moderated by Ivar Tallo (eGA). Share your thoughs by using #eriik

Discussion ‘How will ICT change our everyday’s life in the future’ – 13.08 @ 17:00-18:30 in the ‘Riigi potentsiaal’ discussion area.

At 17:00 we would like to invite you all to discuss about the impact of information and communication technologies. This small flight of thoughts should lead us to think how ICT impacts our lives in the near future. What determines the success of the use of technology? What are people’s fears and motivations when using the ICT? Those questions will be on the spotlight but not only, we will be also telling stories about the developments in the world and what role does Estonia have to play in it. Finally, we offer exciting scenarios from our every-day lives in 25 years’ time – in 2041. Discussion is moderated by Linnar Viik and panel members include Kaarel Kotkas (Veriff), Raul Rikk (eGA), Ivar Tallo (eGA) and Arko Olesk (TLÜ). Share your thoughts by using #eTulevik

All discussions will be held in Estonian.

More information about the event you may find in our Facebook page

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