EGOV4UKRAINE promotes Trembita and Vulyk among municipality leaders of Ukraine
Mari Pedak, the Team Leader of our EGOV4UKRAINE project, introduced the benefits of data exchange system Trembita and information system Vulyk for administrative service centres to 400 representatives of Ukrainian communities and regional state administrations at the U-LEAD conference held in Kiev on 5th March 2019. Both solutions are developed within the project and will be implemented by 2020.

Trembita system has already gained a first member in Ukraine – the Ministry of Finance and the Tax Board; Ministry of Interior will follow shortly to make public administration more efficient and transparent. Look at the Trembita video here.
The implementation of information system Vulyk will begin in the next nine months according to the U-LEAD programme schedule. The first users of Vulyk will be administrative service centers of 122 communities who signed memorandums of understanding at the conference yesterday.
Our work in Ukraine is conducted within the U-LEAD programme and supported by EU and its member states Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland and Sweden.
Read more about the project: