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e-Government Accelerator Program concept development

Duration February 2019 - July 2019

The project addressed the gap between theory and practice in e-governance development: how to translate the agreed-upon values and principles into the implementation process and technology solutions.

To address the problem, the e-Government Master Class and Accelerator Program was developed, providing the participating governments with capacity-building assistance. The e-Government Master Class and Accelerator Program are applications and commitment-based rapid and lean development programs for a cohort of governments with common standpoints and goals. It would double the speed, triple the impact and secure the sustainability of the transition process.

The project contributes to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 16, 17

Watch the discussion on Digital e-Government Accelerator and challenges it helps to face!

The activities included:

1. Development of the Digital Transformation Master Class Concept
2. Initial concept development of the Digital Transformation Accelerator for Governments
3. Introduction of the findings at major events
4. Workshop in Rwanda

Capacity building Change management Digital skills
Project manager
133 000€
Funded by
Rockefeller Foundation