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Podcast 🎧 : E-hÀÀletamise uuendustest, turvalisusest ja heast tavast


TĂ€navu 17.oktoobril toimuvad kohalikud valimised, mille eel on kĂ”igil soovijatel juba 12. korda vĂ”imalus e-hÀÀletada. PĂŒhendame oma saate e-hÀÀletamisele ning e-riigi akadeemia eestvĂ”ttel loodud e-hÀÀletamise heale tavale.

Saates rÀÀgivad e-hÀÀletuse hea tava ĂŒks vĂ€ljatöötajatest Liia HĂ€nni ja kauaaegne valimisteenistuse juht, pregune E-riigi Akadeemia vanemekspert Priit Vinkel e-hÀÀletamise protsessist ja tehtud uuendustest, valija- ja erakondade kĂ€itumisest, kordavad ĂŒle e-hÀÀletamise pĂ”hitĂ”ed nii erakondadele kui valijatele ning kĂ”ige lĂ”puks ennustavad, kui populaarseks kujuneb e-hÀÀletamine tĂ€navu.  Saatejuht on Hannes Astok. Head kuulamist!

Elektrooniline hääletamine algab esmaspĂ€eval, 11. oktoobril kell 9.00 ja lĂ”peb laupĂ€eval, 16. oktoobril kell 20.00. Valijarakendus, mille saab enda arvutisse alla laadida, avaldatakse valimiste veebilehel vahetult enne e-hÀÀletamise algust 11. oktoobri hommikul.  E-hÀÀletamiseks on vaja internetiühendusega turvalist arvutit ning kehtivate sertifikaatidega ID-kaarti koos kaardilugejaga või mobiil-ID­d.


In English
In October 2021, local elections will take place in Estonia. Once again, citizens can cast their votes via the Internet as well.  Due to that, we dedicate this episode to Estonian i-voting and the principles of fair i-voting, brought to you in Estonian.

The principles of fair i-voting were born from an initiative, of the e-Governance Academy in cooperation with political parties, in 2005, when i-voting took place for the first time. The aim was to cooperatively think through the specifics of i-voting, compared to traditional voting, and to ensure the smooth implementation of the new solution.

Liia HĂ€nni, one of the developers of the principles, and Priit Vinkel, the former head of the State Electoral Office and current senior expert at the e-Governance Academy, talk about the i-voting process and innovations, voters’ and parties’ behaviour, i-voting principles, and finally, they predict how many citizens will cast their votes via the Internet. Just as a reminder, in the last European Parliament’s elections in 2019, 46.7% of voters used the opportunity to vote online, and in the Riigikogu elections of the same year, more than 247,000 voters cast i-votes.

Listen to the throwback of the i-voting experiences and the results of the Estonian local elections in English, on 20 October!Â