On this website, it is possible to change the contrast of the content to make reading easier.
To enlarge the content, we recommend using the built-in functionality of the web browser: hold down the Ctrl key (Cmd key in OS X) and press the + or – key at the same time.
Another convenient option is to use the mouse: hold down the Ctrl key while moving the mouse scroll wheel. You can return to normal size by pressing the Ctrl and 0 keys at the same time.
All major operating systems include settings to increase the content displayed on the screen.
In Windows 7, you can find a program called Magnifier if you click on the “Start” menu button at the bottom left, type Magnifier (the first few letters are enough) and press Enter. A small window will open in which everything is magnified. By default, the program tracks the position of the mouse cursor. In Windows XP, you can find Magnifier by going to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Accessibility > Magnifier.
On Apple computers, to use zoom, navigate to: Apple menu > System Preferences > Accessibility (or Universal Access) > Zoom.
Active EU Citizenship
The “Exchanging good practices for the promotion of an active citizenship in the European Union” (EPACE) project addressed the challenges related to the decreasing level of political and societal participation of citizens. The main objective of the project was to elaborate and exchange good citizen participation practices in order to increase and promote participatory opportunities within the European Union member states.
eGA conducted researches, consulted project partners and drafted and wrote two international publications within the framework of the EPACE project.
The e-Democracy publication published by eGA serves as practical complimentary resource to the Recommendation on e-Democracy, enacted by the Council of Europe (CoE Recommendations in text) in February 2009. It presents a set of best practices and guidelines aiming to facilitate the implementation of the general principles of the Recommendations. In the interest of completeness, the publication also presents some of the main definitions related to e-democracy and a short overview of the principles of e-democracy provided by the CoE CAHDE Recommendation. The material for the publications has been compiled through an analysis of answers to a questionnaire, which was sent to practitioners in the field of e-democracy as well as by a desktop study of the published cases.
This practical presentation of best practices is first of all targeted at public sector officials and institutions responsible for dealing with public participation and democracy issues; though, hopefully, this material can inspire the wider public, including representatives of civil society organizations.
Most of the best practices are relevant at the central government level. However, considering the important role local governments play in many European countries, and the proximity of this institutional level to citizens, a special chapter is dedicated to local e-democracy.