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Advocacy capacity building of CSOs

Duration June 2018 - November 2018

Within the project eGA and PASOS engaged with, supported and developed the capacity of 16 advocacy CSOs and their leading members in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine to (1) implement local projects that will monitor, study and assess the preparation of national and local budgets, the transparency of the use of public funds, and the provision of public services and procurements, and to (2) achieve maximum impact in citizen engagement for public policy making, good governance and fight against corruption.

eGA’s role was to survey and analyze the advocacy activities and needs of CSOs involved in the project, prepare training materials, implement the trainings and support the participating CSOs with professional mentoring.

The project is a part the EU-funded project “Partners in Empowerment” (PiE) and was  financed by Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the funds of development cooperation and humanitarian aid. The goal of the project was to increase public accountability and effective policymaking towards sustainable development.


The project was focused directly on 5 partners and 16 civic society organisations (sub-grantees) in five Eastern Partnership countries. Through their empowerment, new skills and acquired knowledge, and smart ICT solutions, the project benefited also
(1) the public as consumers and beneficiaries of public services and accountable government, policymakers and public officials, and
(2) other CSOs and CSO leaders learning through skills transfer in these countries.

Within the project eGA conducted following activities:

  • Analysis on the advocacy capacity of civic society organisations
  • Web-training
  • Mentoring
  • Seminars in Moldova
  • Suggestions for communication activities
  • Preparation and conduction of the conference

One of the outcome of the project is the Knowledge Base about advocacy work. The materials are collected from the partners and organisations of the project.


PASOS, a Czech based network of thinks-tanks
Transparency International Anticorruption Center Armenia
Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD)
Office for a Democratic Belarus
Transparency International Moldova
Transparency International Ukraine

Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Moldova Ukraine
Digital engagement
Project manager
29 990€
Funded by
European Commission
Funded by
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia