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Citizen-Centric Digital Services for Armenia

Duration February 2020 - August 2022

The project aimed to improve public digital service development in Armenia by improving e-governance management capacity, policymaking and policy implementation and developing digital identification services (eID services) for public service delivery.

Digital identification services were integrated into the e-governance infrastructure and there was created an awareness-raising plan for the increase of e-identity take-up and usage.

Moreover, within the project eGA experts assessed the interoperability framework of Armenia and provide recommendations for e-services’ development and integration.

What did we do?
During the project, eGA experts:

  • Analysed the policy development and implementation of public service delivery and drafted an implementation plan.
  • Reviewed the legal framework and made recommendations for improvements.
  • Conducted workshops and training programmes for the staff of government agencies.
  • Created an awareness-raising strategy and monitored citizen feedback.
  • Analysed the available eID services and their usage in public and private service offering processes.
  • Identified potential legislation, technical, procedural, organizational, and financial barriers to eID services.
  • Developed a financial model for an eID service.
  • Developed a communication plan (based on public awareness survey, current situation analysis, and best practices).
  • Assessed the interoperability framework.
  • Developed uniform standards for public service provision.
  • Optimised the front office and back office workshare.
Interoperability Public service framework
Project manager
499 599€
Funded by
European Commission