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Egypt Digital Signature Assessment

Duration November 2021 - November 2023

The overall aim of the project was to review digital signature self-assessment to initiate the Egypt-EU cooperation on digital signatures.

The project was jointly carried out with eGA, GIZ and ITL (Proud Engineers) where each partner was responsible for a different activity. eGA identified capacity building and training needs of key institutions in the Digital Signature ecosystem. Based on the identified needs, eGA developed and conducted one capacity-building activity.

The project was part of the African Union-European Union (AU-EU) Digital for Development (D4D) Initiative. The general objective of the Initiative was to contribute to closing the digital divide and leveraging digital innovations for inclusive sustainable development in Africa. The specific objective was to strengthen African national and regional partners’ capability to identify and implement priority actions in response to digitalisation challenges.


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Capacity building Coordination eID and digital signatures
Project manager
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European Commission