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E-democracy in Mongolia

Duration May 2007 - November 2007

The goal of the project “Enhancing e-democracy in Mongolia through the introduction of citizen participation initiatives including e-voting” was to strengthen the process of democracy and citizen participation in policy-making in Mongolia.

During the project a training course was held on e-democracy, e-participation and e-voting. The event took place in Tallinn, Estonia on 29-31 May 2007 for the leaders of public institutions in Mongolia (ministries, agencies and public bodies) responsible for communication and citizen participation both at central and local level as well as organising and implementing e-voting. Also senior representatives from organisations outside government such as non-government organisations, interest groups and policy research institutes took part.

In addition, Estonian experts visited Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in autumn 2007 in order to provide consultancy and training to the leaders of Mongolian authorities responsible for the implementation of e-voting project in Mongolia as well as other e-democracy and e-participation projects both at central and local level.


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