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E-government technical and business systems advisory

Duration April 2019 - March 2021

The project assisted the Ministry of Information, Communication, Transport and Tourism Development of Kiribati in development of an e-government systems and communications network. The network links the government offices, establishing a basis for the staged introduction of e-government systems and facilitating for improved internal government efficiency including delivery of government services to the business community and society.

Read the eGA Blog: A sustainable roadmap for digital transformation in the Pacific Islands

What did we achieved?
  • Establishment of an Office of the CIO
  • ICT infrastructure development plan
  • E-government master plan and implementation plan
  • “Whole of government” requirements and priorities statement
  • Overview of an e-government policy
  • Terms of Reference for the next follow-up work
Coordination Digital architecture Strategies
Project manager
280 625€
Funded by
World Bank