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ICT for public participation in decision-making

Duration September 2010 - September 2012

The project “Use of ICT to enhance public participation in decision making” is related to the Information Society Action Plan of the Estonian Government where public participation in decision-making using ICT is an important goal. A special program of the EU Structural Fund was introduced to raise awareness of the society of the opportunities provided by the information society. In the framework of this program the public tender was conducted in summer 2010 by the Estonian Informatics Centre to find a partner for the implementation of variety of e-democracy activities.

The project includes the following action lines:

  • analysis of state of affairs of e-democracy in Estonian central and local governments with recommendations for the future policy development;
  • analysis of online political campaigns during parliamentary election 2011 in Estonia;
  • awareness-rising on e-participation among public sector officials and civil society including Russian speaking community;
  • issuing of the e-democracy newsletter summing up the important e-democracy activities in Estonia and internationally;
  • introducing Estonian experiences on e-Democracy development internationally.


Digital engagement
Project manager
122 567€
Funded by
Estonian State Information System Authority