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ICT Toolkit for Serbian municipalities

Duration November 2006 - August 2007

Project title: Local Government ICT Toolkit for mayors of Serbian municipalities

The project had five main objectives:

  • Gathering best practices in the region
    The starting point and basis for the successful realization of the project was to understand and map current situation in the region. During the research emphasis was put on ICT implementation in local governments, trying to identify successful and failed projects, but also regular practices.
  • Conducting analyses of successes and failures
    We conducted in-depth analyses of gathered materials and international practices in the area of local e-governance. The aim of the study was to come up with the adjustable model and recommendations for successful implementation of ICT potential on local level taking into consideration different level of development in the regions.
  • Dissemination of results
    There is need for training and consultancy of local authorities in the selected regions. The manual itself serves as a reminder and summary of the training provided to partner municipalities, but also as a starting point for those who wish to launch potentially awarding ICT projects in their municipalities.
  • Networking and partnerships
    Local partners were actively involved at every stage of this project, starting with drafting research design and finishing with follow-up implementation of information systems.
  • Accumulated knowledge
    With this project we filled the gap in available applied research with conducting analyses of existing practices and projects in selected regions.

The project had four main outputs:

  • ICT implementation model in local governments of target regions (SEE and FSU). Model based on in-depth analyses of regional situation was supported by implementation guidelines which are easily adjustable to serve the interests of other countries’ local governments that wish to start with e-governance projects.
  • The manual “ICT for Local Governments” serves as a toolkit for leaders of municipalities willing or launching ICT projects in their organisations. The manual is published electronically and 100 hard copies were printed in Serbian and Georgian.
  • Two two-day training courses in target countries (Serbia, Montenegro and Georgia) were held for local government leaders to introduce and test the model of ICT development and prepare a specific action plan for implementation of the model in practice. Training participants were invited from the whole region in cooperation with local partners.
  • Recommended training schema was designed to introduce the results of analyses and basic principles of the manual to other potentially interested leaders of local governments (follow-up trainings). Training is a vital part of the manual; therefore it is important that municipalities received proper introduction rather than using the manual for one-time background reading. Main outcomes of the project – manual and training – allow local governments to build the capacity of ICT development at the local level.
Georgia Montenegro Serbia
Capacity building Digital skills
Project manager
Funded by
Open Society Institute