
Technical Assistance for the Implementation of X-Road

06/2023 – 09/2024
€ 253,469
Project manager
Funded by

Secure data exchange (X-Road) is the backbone of digital government and service provision. The digital governance unit of the Madagascar Government (Unité de Gouvernance Digitale, UGD) has made efforts to introduce the Estonian-origin secure interoperability solution X-Road in Madagascar as part of their initiative PRODIGY (Project de Gouvernance Digitale et de Gestion de l’Identité Malagasy). To speed up the adoption of the X-Road in Madagascar eGA experts will assist UGD by conducting the following activities:

  • audit of deployed X-Road to identify potential technical shortcomings and risks to the platform’s long-term sustainability,
  • evaluation of the organisational configuration to ensure easier adoption and growth of the platform for users,
  • a legal framework recommendation to make it fit for digital transformation and large-scale digital data exchange between public authorities,
  • the capacity building of the team responsible for X-Road to deploying the platform,
  • the capacity building of the staff in the UGD and other government institutions on e-governance, X-Road benefits and e-services development.

 The project includes a field mission to Madagascar and a study visit to Estonia.


  • Watch here the feedback from training participants: